It has been a while since I've put anything out here, and there are multiple reasons for that. One, I haven't had much to write about, so anything I would put out here would be more boring than usual, and two, my account information changed, I couldn't remember my password and such since Google changed everything about. I hate to admit that, but that's the truth.
Anyway, I came across something this evening worth sharing. I was looking up a Gaelic phrase in response to a Las who kept ending letters with a nice Spanish sentiment. Well that will be another story for another day 'cause it's late and you know how I run on sometimes about nonsense and get off topic and forget my point and....and....Where was I?.... Oh yeah, the Gaelic bit.
Anyway, I found this fine list of "Useful Irish Sayings" in the old tongue and I just had to share. Here is the list... No lie: (the list presents the English, the Gaelic, and phonetic)
Thank you.......Go raibh maith agat.......guramahhagut
Thank God.......Buíochas le Dia........bweeahhkus lay djeeah
Take it easy.......Tóg bog é....... toge boag ay
Never mind....... Ná bac leis....... nah bahk lesh
Be careful........ Bí curamach....... be kuramakh
Be quiet....... Bí ciúin....... be ku-in
shut your mouth.......... Dún do bheal........ dun doe vale
Kiss my arse......... Póg ma thoin........ poag mah hone
goodbye ( if staying)....... Slán leat...... shlahn lyaht
goodbye (if going)........ Slán agat....... shlahn ugut
So matter of fact these helpful Irish sayings are. And notice the progression. Be careful....Be quiet....shut your mouth....Kiss my arse....goodbye..... How.....Irish..... :)