I had a wonderful Father's Day. Not the standard fare of enjoying some cards from the kids, or even a round of golf with my favorite foursome of Eric, Ryan, Adam, and I. Instead, I took a road trip to Alabama.....
We didn't have enough parents who could volunteer to take time off to take our Scouts to summer camp. So, being the guy who can't say no I helped out by offering to drive.....to Birmingham....and back again. We took in the sights, which primarily consisted of highway billboards for Cafe Risque (We Bare All) which figured prominently in the decision by the younger Scouts to read every billboard along the way. My fellow volunteer Dad and I had tears in our eyes as these guys laughed and did their best Beavis and Butthead imitation for each of the more than 20 billboards along the road. And just when I thought it was all behind us we entered Georgia and the first billboard they read aloud said, "Strippers, Need we say more?"
These little trips through reality keep me laughing and learning.