So the Pope makes an historical reference by quoting an ancient ruler who had an opinion about the followers of Muhammad. Now I must admit that the Catholic Church has not always promoted free thought and intellectual discussion on topics, at least not the nuns who taught me. But this peaceful religion (Islam) reacts to the notion that they were thought to be a violent religion by becoming extremely violent. While this seems like a Saturday Night Live sketch, it is unfortunately reality.
It reminds me of an Irish joke that went something like:
Murphy was relating to the judge the trouble at the pub the night before.
"Ye see your lordship," Murphy was saying. "The English gentleman was going
on and on about how we Irish are always startin' fights or settling arguments with our fists."
"I see," said the magistrate. "And what happened next?"
"Well," says Murphy. "I politely told him that perpetuating the myth that we Irish are a violent people was not fair."
"And then?" asked the judge.
"He said that the Irish could not settle their disputes any other way."
"And what was your reaction?" the judge inquired.
"Well, your honor, I hit him!"
So we Irish can take a joke. But the Muslims claim that they will kill everyone who does not believe that they are peace loving.
If it wasn't so sad you would have to laugh. If it wasn't Muslims, it would be instand material for Jay Leno, David Letterman, and every other late night host.
But please don't hurt their feelings, they are a peace loving people.....
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